Major Dick Winters Distinguished Service Cross Medal (DSC)

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Major Dick Winters Distinguished Service Cross Medal (DSC). Winters Received His DSC At A Ceremony In Normandy From General Bradly (See Photo) June 1944. His DSC Citation For Gallantry During The Brecourt Manor Assault On June 6, 1944 (D-Day). Winters and Several Soldiers From Easy Company Were Ordered To Take Out 4 Large German 105 Cannons That Were Firing On The Beaches Of Utah Beach. Winters And His Men Silenced 3 Of The 4 Guns The Last Being Taken By Dog Company. Troops landing at Utah Beach had a relatively easy landing, due in part to this successful assault. Colonel Robert Sink, the commander of the 506th PIR, recommended Winters for the Medal of Honor, but the award was downgraded to the Distinguished Service Cross due to the policy of only one Medal of Honor awarded per division, which was awarded to Lieutenant Colonel Robert G. Cole. The DSC Is Our Nation’s Second Highest Award For Valor In Combat.