The 20th Maine Infantry Headquarters desk from the Civil War Used By Chamberlain

Portfolio Description

This Civil War field desk was from the estate of General Joshua Chamberlain. The inside has an period ink inscription that says “Hd Q (Headquarters) Desk 20th Maine Vol (Volunteers) Inf (Infantry) Used By Ames (General Adelbert Ames)
Chamberlain (General Joshua Chamberlain) And Spear (General Ellis Spear). At the end of the Civil War this desk was given to Joshua Chamberlain and remained in the Chamberlain home in Maine until the early 20th Century. It later ended up with a Chamberlain family friend and stayed in Maine until The Gettysburg Museum Of History obtained it. This will be the first time it is being publicly exhibited. This desk, according to the provenance was used through all three of the 20th Maine’s commanders, and was at the battle of Gettysburg.