VERY RARE USED KL Lublin Majdanek – Concentration camp bowl marked Waffen SS, used in Majdanek – Lublin Certified


VERY RARE USED KL Lublin Majdanek – Concentration camp bowl marked Waffen SS, used in Majdanek – Lublin Certified. These kinds of bowls were used by prisoners to eat the low-quality food camp personnel gave them to “feed” themselves during their captivity. These have the KL ownership stamping, which is Kgl. Waffen SS Lublin, as these were manufactured in some SS workshops there. Some like this can be seen in Majdanke memorial museum in Lublin (see photo). This one is in very good relic condition.   Complete museum documentation (COA) Provided. Certified by The Gettysburg Museum of History. The Gettysburg Museum of History does not support or condone Adolf Hitler or the Nazi Party and is only offering this as a historic relic. Please see our other items.   Also note when browsing our web site there are several pages of items, at the bottom of the list look for other page numbers. EXCELLENT HISTORIC EXAMPLE. Do not miss this! the one we had on display in the Museum. We just obtained another one, so we are selling this one. VERY VERY RARE!

See our video and our example in the Museum!



L’entrée principale du camp de concentration de Dachau, le jour de sa libération, le 29 avril 1945. Sur la grille, la devise : ” Arbeit macht frei ” : Le travail rend libre. The main entrance to Dachau concentration camp on July 29, 1945, the day of its liberation. The motto on the fence reads “Arbeit macht frei” ;Work brings freedom. (Photo by Maurice EDE/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)