OUTSTANDING RARE Original WWII German Allgemeine And Waffen SS Belt Buckle Certified


OUTSTANDING RARE Original WWII German Allgemeine And Waffen SS Belt Buckle Certified. The Allgemeine-SS, (General-SS), was originally formed in May 1923 under the auspices of the SA, Sturm Abteilung, (Storm/Assault Detachment), as the Stosstrupp Adolf Hitler (Shock Troops), and was redesignated Schutz Staffel, (Protection Squad), in April 1925 with the official acceptance of the name verified on the second anniversary of the failed Munich “Beer-Hall” Putsch on November 9TH 1925. As a subordinate unit to the SA, early SS personnel wore the standard SA style box belt buckle. It is believed that Adolf Hitler personally designed a new pattern box belt buckle specifically for wear by SS EM/NCO personnel with the manufacturing patent being originally granted to the Overhoff & Cie. firm in Lรผdenscheid. This new style buckle was adopted for wear by EM/NCO personnel in late 1931 or early 1932. Generally the early buckles were produced in solid nickel/silver until sometime in 1936 when aluminum alloys replaced the nickel/silver versions. In 1940 the EM/NCOโ€™s belt buckles began to be manufactured in steel replacing the aluminum alloy buckles. Of Note: The RZM, Reichzeugmeisterei, (National Equipment Quartermaster), was officially founded in June 1934 in Munich by the NSDAP, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, (National Socialist German Workerโ€™s Party), as a Reich Hauptamt, (State Central Office), and was based on the earlier SA Quartermasterโ€™s Department. The functions of the RZM were not only to procure and distribute items to Party formations, but also to approve chosen designs and to act as a quality control supervisor to ensure items manufactured for the Party met required specification and were standardized. Starting in late 1934 items manufactured for the SS came under the quality control of the RZM and as a result were to be marked with the RZM/SS approval/acceptance mark. In 1943 the Waffen-SS assumed full control over their uniform item production and no longer fell under the authority of the RZM. Injection molded, natural aluminum construction, (Circa 1936-1940), box belt buckle features a smooth, outer field with a high relief, embossed, central motif pattern consisting of an SS style national eagle with out-stretched wings, clutching a wreath, encompassing a static swastika. The swastika and wreath are in turn encompassed by a circular, simulated, twisted rope border with the Gothic script motto, “Meine Ehre heiรƒลธt Treue!”, (My Honour is Loyalty!). The script is situated on a subtly textured background field and is encircled by the inner and the outer simulated twisted rope borders. The reverse of the buckle is a mirror image of the obverse and the raised, slotted buckle catch, prong bar and prongs are all intact. The reverse of the buckle is well marked with the embossed “RZM” logo, and “SS” runes flanking the manufacturerโ€™s contract code number and date, “822/37”, indicating an unknown manufacturer in 1937. The RZM logo has dual circular borders while the SS runes have a single circular border. In good condition. ย  Complete museum documentation (COA) Provided. Certified by The Gettysburg Museum of History. 100% guaranteed to be authentic. The Gettysburg Museum of History does not support or condone Adolf Hitler or the Nazi Party and is only offering this as a historic relic. Please see our other items. ย  ย Also note when browsing our web site there are several pages of items, at the bottom of the list look for other page numbers. SS items are RARE and Very Desirable To Collectors And Historians! DO NOT MISS THIS! OUTSTANDING EXAMPLE!
