OUTSTANDING Original German Third Reich Magazine Wir schmieden die Waffen Certified


OUTSTANDING Original German Third Reich Magazine Wir schmieden die Waffen.ย  During World War II the Zentralverlag der NSDAP or Central Publishing House of the Nazi Party, published a series of Kleine Kriegsheftenย orย Small War Bookletsย on many different military and political subjects, and they were always written for consumption by the commonย Landser or soldier. Offered is an excellent booklet from the series published in 1940 called Wirย schmieden die Waffenย (We Forge the Weapons). This 6 x 8-1/4-inchย Kleine Kriegshefte number 9 contains 32 heavily illustrated pages telling the interesting story of vital war weapon manufacturing industries in Nazi Germany, the production of armaments and the German workers responsible for their production. Wir schmieden die Waffenย starts with a patriotic excerpt from a speech Adolf Hitler gave on 10 December 1940 toย Rรผstungsarbeiter, or workers in the critical German armament industry. Heavily illustrated chapters cover a Nazi tank factory, the assembly of Nazi U-Boot torpedoes, the manufacture of Luftwaffe airplane propellors and engines, grenades and machine guns, all with an emphasis on the fact that Wehrmacht soldiers could not win the war without the materiel produced by the dynamic force of German workers in the armament industry – skilled tradesmen, men and women, engineers, technicians, assemblers, etc. Photos show Hitler addressing armament industry workers surrounded by huge artillery pieces, Hermann Goering greeting the workers of an airplane factory, Dr. Ing. Fritz Todt inspecting a weapon factory, workers welding pieces of a Panzerkampfwagen, female workers soldering tank parts, filling mines with explosives and measuring cartridge cases, the assembly of Luftwaffe fighter planes, etc., etc. The illustration on the back cover shows a comparison of the output of war industries in Greater Germany and Great Britain. This nearly 80+ year old example of Wir schmieden die Waffen ย  OUTSTANDING BOOK Very good condition.ย  Some wear to the spine otherwise good Gettysburg Museum Certified (COA) provided. 100% Guaranteed to be authentic.ย  Sold for historic purposes only. See our other pieces on our web site. Also note when browsing our web site there are several pages of items, at the bottom of the list look for other page numbers. Great artifact! donโ€™t miss it! Very Good CONDITION VERY HISTORIC.
