OUTSTANDING! German NSDAP (NAZI PARTY) NSKK M33 DAGGER. (NSKK Dolch) Brought Home By A U.S. Veteran Certified

OUTSTANDING! German NSDAP (NAZI PARTY) NSKK M33 DAGGER. (NSKK Dolch) Brought Home By A U.S. Veteran Certified. The development of the NSKK, “National Sozialistisches Kraftfahr Korps” (National Socialist Motor Corps), can be traced back to 1923 when the SA introduced a “Kraftfahr Abteilung” (Motor Section) to transport personnel as required. In 1928 the SA Motor section was expanded to “Kraftfahrstaffeln” (Motor Squadrons). In an attempt to create a national motor corps, the NSAK, “National Sozialistisches Automobil Korps” (National Socialist Automobile Corps), was formed in April of 1930 as an NSDAP auxiliary organization subordinate to the SA. In early 1931 Adolf Hรผhnlein was appointed as Chief of the NSAK and proposed a name change to NSKK, which was officially accepted in April of 1931. Still subordinate to the SA in 1933 when the SA dagger was introduced, the NSKK also adopted the dagger shortly after its introduction. The dagger was intended as an ornamental item and its design was based on the traditional 16th century Swiss “Holbein” dagger. In May of 1936 Korpsfรผhrer Hรผhnlein decreed the NSKK dagger scabbards were to be finished in black to differentiate them from the SA dagger. Roughly, 22cm long, double edged, nickel/silver plated, drop forged steel construction blade with a low central ridge. The blade shows the expected scabbard runner marks with most of the original cross-graining is still visible. The obverse of the blade has the acid etched Sรผtterlin script motto, “Alles fรผr Deutschland”, (All for Germany), which is crisp and well defined. The reverse of blade has an acid etched RZM logo and manufacturers numerical code, “M7/66”, indicating manufacture by Carl Eickhorn, the legendary maker from Solingen, the famous “City of Blades” . The dagger has a nicely formed walnut grip which has a nice snug fit to both the top and bottom fittings. The grip has a natural aluminum national eagle and an enameled and nickel/silver plated runic SA button, which are both nicely set into the grip. The nickel/silver cross guard, pommel, and tang nut are all in nice condition. The dagger comes complete with its original magnetic sheet metal scabbard. The scabbard retains about 98% of its black paint (one small scuff see photos). The solid nickel/silver scabbard fittings are all in excellent condition. Three of the four threaded fitting retaining screws are intact. The top fitting retains its hanger suspension loop and ring. The “RZM” logo on the dagger also has a 1940 date of theย  manufacture of the . Very nice, super clean example.ย  Nice period used NSKK Daggerย  captured by a U.S. Veteran and brought home as a war trophy. Nice used example showing the expected age and wear. 100% Guaranteed to be authentic Brought home by a solider as a trophy of war. A very desirable ย  an outstanding ย  example. Donโ€™t miss this one! Complete museum documentation (COA) Provided. Certified by The Gettysburg Museum of History. The Gettysburg Museum of History does not support or condone Adolf Hitler or the Nazi Party and is only offering this as a historic relic. Please see our other items. ย  ย Also note when browsing our web site there are several pages of items, at the bottom of the list look for other page numbers. ย  Donโ€™t miss it! OUTSTANDING EXAMPLE!
