Original WWII German Waffen SS SLEEVE EAGLE. (Tropen SS-Ärmelhoheitsabzeichen) Brought Home By A U.S. Veteran Certified


Original WWII German Waffen SS SLEEVE EAGLE. (Tropen SS-Ärmelhoheitsabzeichen)   Brought Home By A U.S. Veteran  Certified. Second pattern, (Circa 1942-1945), machine woven, tropical SS sleeve eagle with out-stretched wings, clutching a wreathed, canted, swastika in its talons in golden/tan rayon threads on a woven, black, rayon base . It has the remnant of the paper RZM tag on the back! Most of these unused  eagles were taken from Dachau Concentration Camp where the inmates were making uniforms for the SS. It was recovered by a U.S. Soldier. 100% guaranteed to be authentic with Museum COA (Certificate Of Authenticity). This SS eagle   is one of the desirable artifacts from the Third Reich.   DO NOT MISS THIS! OUTSTANDING EXAMPLE! SS Items are RARE!
