Original WWII German MAP/DISPATCH CASE MARCH COMPASS. (Feldmarsch Umfang für Meldekartentasche) Certified


Original WWII German MAP/DISPATCH CASE MARCH COMPASS. (Feldmarsch Umfang für Meldekartentasche) Certified .Map/dispatch cases were issued on a limited basis to specifically designated personnel such as unit commanders, messengers, and observers. The M35 map/dispatch case was based on the Weimar Reichswehr, (National Defence Force, Circa 1919-1933), era pattern map/dispatch case with minor variations. The M35 map/dispatch case underwent a front closure modification in mid-1936, and an additional small front pocket was added in 1938, although the early pattern cases continued to be manufactured through-out the war. When issued the map/dispatch cases came complete with an assortment of map reading and plotting tools and instruments including a march compass. The march compasses came in a wide variety of different models but they were all quite similar in design. Of Note: As with other armies the Germans had a Kriegskarten- und Vermessungswesen Abteilung, (War Maps and Surveying Department), under command of the OKH, Oberkommando des Heeres, (High Command of the Army). The war maps and surveying department was responsible for all army issue maps and worked in conjunction with the German Reichsamt für Landesaufnahme, (National Land Survey Office). Regulations dictated that army issue maps were exclusively for use of army personnel and that any reproduction or improper usage were punishable offences. German army maps were generally named and numbered and were issued as required. Molded black bakelite and black painted, tooled, aluminum construction field march compass. The compass has a roughly 55mm wide, 60mm long, 18mm tall molded black bakelite base with an impressed, white scripted, five centimeter ruler to one side. Mounted on top of the base is a roughly 50mm x 60mm hinged, . All components are complete. . Compass no longer points to true north. . Needle is stuck with some storage wear. Complete museum documentation (COA) Provided. Certified by The Gettysburg Museum of History. 100% guaranteed to be authentic. The Gettysburg Museum of History does not support or condone Adolf Hitler or the Nazi Party and is only offering this as a historic relic. Please see our other items.  Also note when browsing our web site there are several pages of items, at the bottom of the list look for other page numbers OUTSTANDING SCARCE GERMAN COMPASS!
