Original Rare WWII Waffen SS DRESS UNIFORM FEZ. (Fes) Cap. From The Dachau Hord Brought Home By A U.S. Veteran Certified


Original Rare WWII Waffen SS DRESS UNIFORM FEZ. (Fes) Cap. From The Dachau Hord Brought Home By A U.S. Veteran Certified. In early 1941 under heavy pressure by the Germans, Yugoslavia joined the axis powers. Many Yugoslavian Serbian military personnel however disagreed with this arrangement and launched an unsuccessful overthrow which was crushed by the Germans and resulted in the formation of the Independent State of Croatia, including the province of Bosnia-Herzegovina. As the tides of war changed for Germany it was decided to recruit a division of Bosnian Muslims in February 1943, which eventually evolved into the 13.Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS “Handschar” (kroat. Nr.1), and was primarily manned from Muslims from the Bosnia-Herzegovina region of Croatia, with a cadre of German personnel from the 7. SS-Freiwillingen-Gebirgs-Division “Prinz Eugen”. The fez, a traditional piece of Muslim headgear, dating back to Bosnian regiments in the Hapsburg Empire, was authorized for wear by Reichsfรผhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler for all ethnic divisional personnel. Of Note: The short lived 23.Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS “Kama” (kroatische Nr.2), was also authorized wear of the fez. The fez was issued in a field-grey version for wear with the service uniform and a maroon version for wear with the dress uniform. Of Note: Due to the racial makeup of the divisional personnel Reichsfรผhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler forbade wear of the SS runes on the collar insignia and it was decided that another suitable symbol be utilized and the distinctive collar insignia for divisional personnel was introduced on April 30TH 1943. It is believed that SS-Obergruppenfรผhrer Gottlob Berger came up with the design of the collar tab and the name “Handschar”. The “Handschar” refers to the scimitar featured on the collar tab and is meant to represent the blade carried by Turkish police in the Balkan region for centuries and was also featured on the Bosnian coat-of-arms during the reign of the Hapsburg Empire. Nice quality, formed, maroon, rabbit fur felt, construction dress uniform fez. The fez features a two piece tassel to the top center of the crown. The tassel has a short piece of maroon felt inserted and stitched into the center of the crown with the correct, black, multi-strand, silk type material tassel sewn to the top. Insignia removed. The unlined interior has a full remaining leather sweatband machine stitched to the bottom edge. Roughly a size 54/55.ย  The skull and eagle was removed but you can still see the factory stitching outline. Almost all of these were found at Dachau Concentration Camp and were brought home by U.S. solders. Dachau was a labor camp and one of the products made were uniforms and head gear for the Waffen SS.ย ย  Niceย  example showing theย  expected age and wear . 100% Guaranteed to be authentic Brought home by a U.S. solider as a trophy of war. SS items areย  very collectible and difficult to find in good condition. Complete museum documentation (COA) Provided. Certified by The Gettysburg Museum of History. The Gettysburg Museum of History does not support or condone Adolf Hitler or the Nazi Party and is only offering this as a historic relic. Please see our other items.ย  Also note when browsing our web site there are several pages of items, at the bottom of the list look for other page numbers. AUTHENTIC SS items Are ALMOST Impossible to get, this is the first one we have been able to get in a while! DON’T Miss It!
