Outstanding Original German Third Reich DIE DEUTSCHE WEHRMACHT CIGARETTE CARD BOOK. (Zigarette Karte Buch)Certified


Outstanding Original German Third Reich DIE DEUTSCHE WEHRMACHT CIGARETTE CARD BOOK. (Zigarette Karte Buch) Certified. A pre-war produced book designed to arouse interest in the armed forces…. and sell cigarettes. Roughly 26cm x 33cm, sixty-six page, soft cover book published by, “Cigaretten-Bilderdienst Dresden”, (Cigarette-Picture Service), in “1936”. The book has a mid-weight, grey, card stock cover with a blue spine and a silver, embossed likeness of an 88MM anti-aircraft gun crew in action and title, “Die Deutsche Wehrmacht”, (The German Armed Forces). The book is divided into four main chapters entitled, “Die Deutsche Wehrmacht”, (The German Armed Forces), “Das Heer”, (The Army), “Die Kriegsmarine”, (The Navy), and, “Die Luftwaffe”, (The Air Force), with numerous sub-sections within each chapter. Not All the cards are intact priced accordingly.ย ย  Nice example showing the expected minor age and wear overall good condition. Some wear to the spine otherwise almost mint. Gettysburg Museum Certified (COA) provided. 100% Guaranteed to be authentic brought home by a U.S. Veteran. Sold for historic purposes only. See our other pieces on our web site. Also note when browsing our web site there are several pages of items, at the bottom of the list look for other page numbers. Great artifact! donโ€™t miss it! Very Goodย  Vet bring back CONDITION Example some cards missing RARE
