Original GERMAN NSDAP (NAZI PARTY) POLITICAL LEADER FLAG BEARER’S GORGET. (Politisches Leiter Ringkragen) Chain Certified
Original GERMAN NSDAP (NAZI PARTY) POLITICAL LEADER FLAG BEARER’S GORGET. (Politisches Leiter Ringkragen) Chain Certified. The NSDAP, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, (National Socialist German Worker’s Party), was originally founded in Munich as the DAP, Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, (German Worker’s Party), on January 5TH 1919. When Adolf Hitler joined the DAP in the autumn of 1919 he was to reform what was basically a debating society into an active political party. Appointed as the first chairman of the party on July 29TH 1921 Hitler was to restructure it along para-military lines in a hierarchy of four levels of government. In the midsummer of 1920 Hitler adopted the swastika as the premier symbol of the NSDAP and the first official swastika party flags were introduced. Shortly after Hitler gained national political power in 1933 he abolished the Weimar era national tri-color flag of black, red, and gold and reverted to the Hohenzollern Empire tri-color flag in black, white and red, which was to be flown in conjunction with the NSDAP swastika flag. Finally this dual flag arrangement was settled on September 15TH 1935, when the swastika flag was announced as the official national and mercantile flag of Germany. With a deep understanding of pageantry and symbolism, and its propaganda and psychological effectiveness, the NSDAP went to great lengths to reinforce their political party to the general populace of Germany, with repetitive slogans and the omnipresent use of the swastika. Swastikas adorned banners, pennants and assorted unit and the national flags and were utilized at every possible opportunity. The use of gorgets can be traced as far back as the ancient use of armor by the Roman Legions, (Circa 350 BC), evolving into protective armored collar bone and neck plates during the 14TH century. The word Gorget also evolved from the ancient French gorget, meaning throat. By the 17TH century the full suits of armor were seldom utilized anymore but the gorget remained, in an altered form, as a sign of rank or position and continued in use, as such, through-out the Napoleonic wars, the German wars of liberation and on into World War I and World War II. The NSDAP Political Leader, Flag Bearer’s gorget was introduced in April 1939, for wear by the Flag Bearer at all political functions where the unit and/or the national flag was to be displayed. Interestingly the Political Leader, Flag Bearer’s were not issued with identifying sleeve insignia, as were their military counterparts. Of Note: The RZM, Reich Zeug Meisterei, (National Equipment Quartermaster), was officially founded in June 1934 in Munich by the NSDAP as a Reich Hauptamt, (State Central Office), and was based on the earlier SA ,Sturm Abteilung, (Storm/Assault Detachment), Quartermaster’s Department. The functions of the RZM were not only to procure and distribute items to Party formations, but also to approve chosen designs and to act as a quality control supervisor to ensure items manufactured for the Party met required specification and were standardized. All NSDAP political leader’s uniform items and insignia including the flag bearer’s gorget fell under RZM control and as a result carried the RZM’s approval marking. Stamped alloy gorget chain with a bronze wash. bronze washed, embossed national eagle with outstretched wings mounted and alternating swastika links.. This chain is not complete but still an interesting artifact. In good but used condition. Gettysburg Museum Certified (COA) provided. 100% Guaranteed to be authentic. Sold for historic purposes only. See our other pieces on our web site. Also note when browsing our web site there are several pages of items, at the bottom of the list look for other page numbers. Great artifact! don’t miss it! Good CONDITION Great example!
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