Original German Hitler Youth 1935 HJ YOUTH FESTIVAL SPORTS EVENT BADGE. (H.J. Reichsportwettkampf Abzeichen) Certified
German Hitler Youth 1935 HJ YOUTH FESTIVAL SPORTS EVENT BADGE. (H.J. Reichsportwettkampf Abzeichen) Certified. Sports in the early period of the Third Reich had an underlying, subversive role as a form of military training, due to the restrictions imposed on the Germans by the Treaty of Versailles. As a result, sporting events were very highly regarded by the N.S.D.A.P. and all manner of awards were issued on a national and local level to the victorious athletes. Even after the treaty was ignored, and military conscription imposed, sporting events for the German youth were still held in high esteem as pre-military training and toughening-up exercises. From the end of 1934 Hitler Youth Sports Festivals were held throughout Germany. Originally called a “Sport-” or “Jugendfest,” after 1937 they came to be known as “Reichsportwettkampf” (National-sport-competition). Hitler Youths who had achieved an above average score in three sports contests were awarded badges with “Ehrenurkunden” (award certificates). ย Solid cast aluminum badge, roughly in the form of a vertical oval, comprised of the Hitler Youth diamond with a mobile swastika to its center, surmounted with a spray of oak leaves to either side and “1935” scrolled beneath. A vertical pin-back device is to the reverse, as is the embossed makerโs name.ย ย Gettysburg Museum Certified (COA) provided. Rare 100% Guaranteed to be authentic.ย Sold for historic purposes only. See our other pieces on our web site. ย ย Also note when browsing our web site there are several pages of items, at the bottom of the list look for other page numbers. EARLY VERSION.