Authentic ELEVATOR CABLE RELIC From Adolf Hitler’s EAGLE’S NEST And Camo Piece In Deluxe Collector’s Glass Case Certified By The Gettysburg Museum Of History


Elevator Cable From Adolf Hitler’s  Eagles’ Nest And Camo piece In large 8″/12″Collector’s Glass Case. A piece of the original Elevator cable from 1938  from Adolf Hitler’s Eagles Nest. The engine room at The Eagles’ Nest has a U-Boat engine for back up power for the gold elevator at The Eagles Nest . The same power cables were in use from 1938 until 2 years ago. We were able to purchase the original cables and ship them to the Museum when they were finally replaced! An amazing relic from Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest!  Also a piece of plastic camouflage net used to conceal Hitler’s berghof home from Allied attacks from the air. Hitler’s home at the Obersalsburg in southern Germany was bombed by the Allies at the end of WWII partially destroying it. A few days later U.S. and French forces entered Hitler’s home and took everything they could as a souvenir. First Hitler’s silverware and other “valuables” then pieces of the home itself. In the 1950’s the Bavarian government demolished the ruins and all that is left today is the concrete retaining wall. This  camouflage piece was obtained years ago when there were some remains still there. A rare opportunity to get a piece of Hitler’s home. The Gettysburg Museum of History does not support or condone Adolf Hitler or the Nazi Party and is only offering this as a historic relic. The relic brick piece offered here are 100% authentic from this important historic location. This display comes matted and framed in an large 8″/12″ Riker display with a photo of the Eagles’ Nest  elevator piece, Camouflage piece and mat color may vary.  Please see our other items for sale. Certified by The Gettysburg Museum of History. COA included.  Also note when browsing our web site there are several pages of items, at the bottom of the list look for other page numbers. See out Berghof Brick Sets Too!

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