President John F. Kennedy’s Harvard Seal Ash Tray Used In The Oval Office With Evelyn Lincoln Letter Plus JFK’s Cigar And Holder


President John F. Kennedy’s Harvard Seal Ash Tray Used In The Oval Office With Evelyn Lincoln Letter Plus JFK’s Cigar And Holder. A remarkable piece of Camelot history, JFK’s ashtray bearing the seal of his Alma-mater Harvard University. This ashtray was used in the Oval Office by JFK. JFK was a cigar smoker. This amazing personal artifact come with a letter written by his longtime secretary Evelyn Lincoln on White House paper signed documenting the history. Also included is his cigar from his his White House cigar box and his Cigar tip filter. Items owned by JFK with Evelyn Lincoln letters are very desirable and valuable to collectors and historians. 100% guaranteed to be authentic John F. Kennedy owned. Gettysburg Museum Certified Evelyn Lincoln letter provided. A rare opportunity. It was exhibited in the Robert L. White JFK Museum as well as The Gettysburg Museum Of History.
