OUTSTANDING RARE Original Confederate Georgia Coat Size Button Recovered At Salem Church, Virginia Certified


OUTSTANDING RARE Original Confederate Georgia Coat Size Button Recovered At Salem Church, Virginia. A very RARE earlier dug relic from Salem Church, Virginia near the Fredericksburg battlefield found on what was then private property. It is very solid and has a nice rare back mark.  The shank is complete and is nice. This button is an average coat size. Very rich chocolate brown patina still present. An excellent Confederate State Button. In excellent relic condition for A dug example. A fantastic button excavated many years ago near the historic Fredericksburg battlefield on what was then private property. A very nice button from a very historic battlefield. 100% guaranteed to be authentic Gettysburg Museum certified, museum COA provided. Don’t miss this! It has been a while since we had a Confederate button! Amazing LOOK They are getting very tough to find!
