RARE Original German NSDAP (NAZI PARTY) RAD Member Certificate Certified
RARE Original German NSDAP (NAZI PARTY) RAD Member Certificate Certified. ย The basis of the Reichsarbeitsdienst, (National Labor Service), dates back, at least, to 1929 with the formation of the AAD, Anhalt Arbeitsdienst, (Anhalt Labor Service), and the FAD-B, Freiwillingen Arbeitsdienst-Bayern, (Volunteer Labor Service Bavaria). Shortly after Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor, (January 30TH 1933), the NSDAP consolidated these, and other labor organizations into the NSAD, Nationalsozialist Arbeitsdienst, (National Socialist Labor Service), under the control of Reichsarbeitsfรผhrer Konstatin Hierl. On June 26TH 1935 the NSAD was re-designated RAD. In April 1934 Hierl developed a uniform for all NSAD personnel which continued to be worn after the re-designation to RAD. WWII Nazi German Gedenkblatt des Reichsarbeitsdienstes or Commemorative sheet of the RAD (Reich Labor Service). Very decorative certificate that was awarded in 1936. Dimensions 43.7 cm x 32.7 cm. and depict several men working on a project in the background with a another member in the foreground holding a spade with an RAD flag beside him. The back has some old period newspaper from a frame it was in at one time. Good condition with some old tape and storage wear but overall nice condition. ย 100% guaranteed to be authentic complete museum documentation (COA) provided. An amazing historical artifact with excellent art!ย See our other pieces on our web site. RARE! Don’t miss this!
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