Original WWII German K98 COMBAT BAYONET. (Seitengewehr 98K) With leather frog Certified



Original WWII German K98 COMBAT BAYONET. (Seitengewehr 98K) With leather frog Certified. The K98 bayonet was a modification of the already modified S84/98 bayonet that had been originally developed in 1915. Manufacture of this new modified bayonet began in 1934 with mass production beginning in 1936. The K98 bayonet was a standard issue item and was accompanied by a bayonet frog to be worn on the reverse left side of the weight bearing waist belt. The K98 bayonet remained the standard issue bayonet through-out the war with minor manufacturing variations. As the war continued the quality of the bayonets deteriorated and in mid-1944 most manufacturers discontinued producing the bayonet to concentrate on producing other essential war materials. Roughly 25cm long, drop forged, steel construction blade with wide fullers. Maker marked with numbers. Scabbard and blade has typical combat used look. ย  Nice Bakelite grip. Stud does move and functions properly. Some loss to the finish on the blade. Some dents in the scabbard from field use. Has original leather frog dated 1943 Over all great ย  example. ย 100% Guaranteed to be authentic Complete museum documentation (COA) Provided. Certified by The Gettysburg Museum of ย  History. ย  Please see our ย  other items. ย  ย Also note when browsing our web site there are several pages of items, at the bottom of the list look for other page numbers. OUTSTANDING ย  Combat Used! Do Not Miss This One!


Original WWII German K98 combat bayonet with leather frog, full view
Side view of WWII German K98 bayonet showing handle and blade details
Close-up of K98 bayonet blade and scabbard
Handle detail of original German K98 bayonet from WWII
Side view of leather frog attached to German K98 bayonet
Full view of K98 bayonet and scabbard with leather frog
Detail of K98 bayonet blade showing markings and scabbard attachment

German soldier holding K98 rifle with attached bayonet