Original WWII German Waffen SS MOUNTAIN TROOP’S SLEEVE EDELWEISS. (SS Ärmel Edelweiss für Gebirgsjäger) Certified
Original WWII German Waffen SS MOUNTAIN TROOP’S SLEEVE EDELWEISS. (SS Ärmel Edelweiss für Gebirgsjäger) Certified. During WWII the German army fielded nine Mountain Divisions with an additional six Waffen-SS, (Armed-SS), Mountain Divisions. Generally speaking, the Mountain Divisions were specially trained and equipped Infantry Divisions. On October 1ST 1943 Waffen-SS personnel serving with Mountain troop units were authorized wear of the traditional Edelweiss as an identifying insignia. The Edelweiss insignia was issued in two forms with one designed for wear on the left side of the Bergmütze, (Mountain cap), and another design for wear on the upper right sleeve of the greatcoat and tunic. The design of these badges closely followed the pattern of the earlier introduced, (May 2ND 1939), army Edelweiss badges. Of Note: The only differences between the army and the SS Edelweiss sleeve badges were the coloration and the army style Edelweiss had a simulated mountaineer’s rope with piton as opposed to the SS straight oval ring border. Black wool base with a machine embroidered Edelweiss with fourteen, irregular, silver/grey petals, a seven bulb, yellow stamen and dual silver/grey leaves and a stem all in rayon threads. The Edelweiss is encompassed by a fine, machine embroidered, silver/grey cotton, oval outer border stripe. 100% guaranteed to be authentic with Museum COA (Certificate Of Authenticity). one of the desirable artifacts from the Third Reich. DO NOT MISS THIS! GOOD EXAMPLE! SS Items are RARE!
- Description