Original WWII Waffen SS Bullion OFFICERS RUNIC COLLAR TAB. Cut Off A Uniform By A U.S. Veteran (Kragenpatten) Certified
Original WWII Waffen SS Bullion OFFICER’S RUNIC COLLAR TAB. (Kragenpatten) Cut Offย Certified. Reichsfรผhrer-SS Heinrich Himmlerโs obsession with pagan runic symbolism manifested itself in runic emblems used by the SS, Schutz Staffel, (Protection Squad), the most famous of which was the dual sig-runes used on the collar tabs and helmets decals of the SS. The dual sig-runes design was initiated by SS-Sturmhauptfรผhrer and graphic artist Walter Heck in May 1933, who sold his design to the SS for 2.50 Reichs Marks. In August 1929 the SS incorporated the wear of rank collar tabs on the left side of the collar of the service tunic. The SS collar tabs were originally adopted from the earlier rank collar tabs as utilized by the SA, Sturmabteilung, (Storm Troops). Originally EM/NCOโs collar tabs for the ranks of SS-Schรผtze to SS-Hauptscharfรผhrer inclusively were piped in twisted white cord from their original inception, (Rank tabs, August 1929/Runic tabs, May 1933), until October 24TH 1934 when the piping for EM/NCOโs was modified to alternating twisted black and silver/aluminum cord piping. The final modification, in August 1940, eliminated all piping from EM/NCOโs collar tabs. Officerโs ranks collar tabs from SS-Untersturmfรผhrer to SS-Hauptsturmfรผhrer utilized alternating twisted black and silver/aluminum cord piping from their inception until October 24TH 1934 and silver/aluminum cord piping from October 1934 until the end of the war while the ranks of SS-Sturmbannfรผhrer to SS-Reichsfรผhrer utilized the silver/aluminum cord piping from August 1929 to May 1945. Of Note: The RZM, Reichzeugmeisterei, (National Equipment Quartermaster), was officially founded in June 1934 in Munich by the NSDAP, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, (National Socialist German Workerโs Party), as a Reich Hauptamt, (State Central Office), and was based on the earlier SA, Sturm Abteilung, (Storm/Assault Detachment), Quartermasterโs Department. The functions of the RZM were not only to procure and distribute items to Party formations, but also to approve chosen designs and to act as a quality control supervisor to ensure items manufactured for the Party met required specification and were standardized. Starting in late 1934 items manufactured for the SS came under the quality control of the RZM and were marked by the appropriate RZM/SS approval marking. In 1943 the Waffen-SS assumed full control over their uniform item production and no longer fell under the authority of the RZM. ย Right hand side, black wool construction collar tab with hand embroidered SS runes in bright silver/aluminum wire threads. The collar tab is mounted on a tan buckram base.ย Nice uniform removed cut offย example.ย Removed from a uniform. Nice used example showing the expected age and wear. 100% Guaranteed to be authentic Brought home by a U.S. solider as a trophy of war. SS items are very collectible and difficult to findย in good condition. Complete museum documentation (COA) Provided. Certified by The Gettysburg Museum of History. The Gettysburg Museum of History does not support or condone Adolf Hitler or the Nazi Party and is only offering this as a historic relic. Please see our other items. ย ย Also note when browsing our web site there are several pages of items, at the bottom of the list look for other page numbers. AUTHENTIC SS Officer Collar Tabs Are ALMOST Impossible to get, DON’T Miss It! See our video on cut offs!