Original WWII German ARMY (HEER) M30 GASMASK . (Gasmaske M30 ) Brought Home By A U.S. Veteran Certified


Original WWII German ARMY (HEER) M30 GASMASK . (Gasmaske M30) Certified. With the development of poisonous gasses used as offensive weapons in WWI appropriate defensive gasmasks also had to be developed. The German WWI M1915 and M1917 gasmasks evolved into the Reichswehr era M24 gasmask and eventually into the M30 and M38 gasmasks used in WWII. All German Army personnel were issued with a gasmask, carrying canister and accessories and were required to have it readily available at all times. Although the use of chemical warfare agents was considered by the German OKW, Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, (High Command of the Armed Forces), fear of the Allies retribution forced them to reconsider and shelf the idea. Fear of the potential use of chemical warfare agents made the gasmask and canister a constant companion of the German soldier through-out the war. Of Note: In spite of the fear of the potential use of chemical warfare agents some German personnel opted to utilize their gasmask canisters as a container for extra food or contraband in spite of regulations. M30 pattern gas mask. Mask is complete with all straps. Size marked “2”. Included is an FE37 filter. Brought home by a U.S. Veteran. Gettysburg Museum Certified (COA) provided. 100% Guaranteed to be authentic.  Sold for historic purposes only. See our other pieces on our web site. Also note when browsing our web site there are several pages of items,
