Original German Third Reich NSKK Large Heavy Desk/Hood Ornament RZM Marked Certified


Original German Third Reich NSKK Large Heavy Desk/Hood Ornament RZM Marked Certified.ย  The development of the NSKK, National Sozialistisches Kraftfahr Korps, (National Socialist Motor Corps), can be traced back to 1923 when the SA introduced a Kraftfahr Abteilung, (Motor Section), to transport personnel as required. In 1928 the SA Motor section was expanded to Kraftfahrstaffeln, (Motor Squadrons). In an attempt to create a national motor corps the NSAK, National Sozialistisches Automobil Korps, (National Socialist Automobile Corps), was formed in April 1930 as a NSDAP auxiliary organization subordinate to the SA. In early 1931 Adolf Hรผhnlein was appointed as Chief of the NSAK and proposed a name change to NSKK, which was officially accepted in April 1931. (NSKK Kรผhlerfigur). Constructed of a plated non-magnetic metal alloy, consisting of a double-sided NSKK-style German national eagle clutching a wreathed mobile swastika, in turn set atop a threaded bolt for attachment to a hood or radiator cap, or desk stand.ย  the reverse bearing a Reichszeugmeisterei (RZM) logo, measuring 74 mm (w) x 85 mm (h), in extremely fine condition. Gettysburg Museum Certified (COA) provided. Rare 100% Guaranteed to be authentic. Sold for historic purposes only. See our other pieces on our web site.ย  ย Also note when browsing our web site there are several pages of items, at the bottom of the list look for other page numbers. Excellent Rare Heavy EXAMPLE
